
02/05/2014 20:04

L & H (Love Story)


What do you say about two friends who love Engelbert’s songs since their adult ages, Meditation, Arts and the most important they love JESUS, their savior???

They believe in love, passion, emotions that unite their spirits, souls and bodies in ONE person.

The Bible says “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them (1 John 4, 16)

By the way, they are called: Larisa and Henry, The first close meeting with each other were in 24th January 2013, they were speaking as two fans of the Engelbert Humperdinck European Fans Club (EHEFC), chatting together and sharing the songs they heard and loved since a long time, their studies, memories and hobbies and most of all their unique faith in Jesus Christ their only savior.

Larisa, whose name was, changed to Laura by Henry, his friend that her grandmother called her by coincidence since she was a child.

The reason of writing this story is to make our thoughts, memories and dreams become reality and truth at the future.

Me, Henry I am not an author or a story narrative, but by the help of Laura we can write our story day by day, word by word and dream by dream to the end of our lives.

Laura, a Russian woman, divorced and have a married daughter, she has studied Psychology and works as a Pedagogist in Moscow University.

Henry, an Armenian man, born in Aleppo, Syria, married with 3 young children, he has studied Economics in Aleppo University, English Literature in London Edcational Association, he works as a Marketing Coordinator and translation. He left his country since the year 2003 to live in Germany with his family.


1. Love Is Life

2. Love Is God

3. Love Is Dream

4. Love Is Song

5. Love Is Art

6. Love is Meditation


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13/08/2013 13:04

Welcome to Days 4-12

Welcome to Day 4

Miraculous Self

Today you’re invited to relax into the infinite space of your heart and let yourself receive.

Many of us were taught that it is better to give than to receive. We easily give our time, energy, and attention to our family and friends, yet we may find it difficult to receive these same things. In reality, giving and receiving are different aspects of the same flow of energy in the universe. Just as every exhalation depends upon an inhalation, the flow of love in our lives depends upon our ability to receive and to care for ourselves. As we meditate today, hold yourself in loving awareness and let your heart receive.

Our centering thought for today is:

"Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners." 
—William ShakespeareAs I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom.


Today, begin a practice of daily self-care. Begin by making a list of the loving things you can do for yourself this week—then set the intention to complete one of the items on your list every day. Consider posting the list somewhere prominent or maybe schedule a daily reminder on your phone or computer. Here are a few suggestions: write down one quality you love about yourself, remember to pause and take a few deep breaths when you’re feeling stressed, take a walk or enjoy a good meal with a friend rather than grabbing a sandwich at your desk. As you give freely to yourself you’ll experience the loving awareness that is your natural state.


Welcome to Day 5

Miraculous Esteem

Today we have a new opportunity to cleanse the lens of perception and see ourselves as we really are: completely loved and completely lovable.

Despite what you may have been conditioned to believe, there is nothing that you have to do or achieve to be worthy of love. Your true self is pure love and you are already infinitely precious exactly as you are. This awareness of who you really are connects you to your true self-esteem. This esteem is solid and unwavering. Your soul loves you unconditionally. The approval rating of your ego, in contrast, is fickle and forever shifting. Your ego may approve of your performance one day and then the next day judge you as inadequate or lacking. As we shift from identifying with our ego’s insecurities and fears, we open to the gifts of the soul. It all begins with self-awareness. Each day as we spend time in the inner quiet of meditation, our awareness will expand and awaken us to love.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am a perfect, divine creation.

"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine." —Ralph Waldo Emerson


Make it your practice for today to cultivate self-awareness and self-love. No matter how much you have suffered, your soul sees you as whole. When you feel out of balance, anxious, or alone, pause for a moment and take a deep breath. In the quiet moment of a pause you can assess the gentle refuge of your heart. Take a few moments to close your eyes and sit quietly, feeling your heart as a soft, warm enclosure. Let your attention settle there and rest as long as you wish.

From Deepak Chopra:

I have met many troubled people who want inner harmony. They come with heartbreaking stories of abuse, setbacks, frustration, and disappointment. There are a million ways to be in a state that has no harmony. But the very fact that each of us wants to go toward happiness and away from suffering is a key ingredient. Have a vision of harmony, and if you are sincere and willing, your life will start to mirror that vision. Have an image of the opposite—an unfair existence overwhelmed with obstacles—and your life will mirror that vision.  This isn't meant as a cruel observation. I am only saying that consciousness is powerful and in the end inescapable. You can't escape yourself. The good news is that the true self waiting for you knows only inner harmony. Ask "Who am I?" and the true self will show you.

Welcome to Day 6

Miraculous Magnificence

Today’s message and meditation celebrate the magnificence of your radiant, joyful spirit. If you could see your body as a physicist can see it, you would observe atoms or particles moving at lightning speed around vast, empty spaces. These particles aren't material objects at all. They are fluctuations of energy and information in a huge empty space. And what is this space? It is the womb of creation, the field of all possibilities. It is the same place that nature goes to fashion a galaxy and to fashion a thought.

This field of pure potentiality is within you. It is your inner space that gives rise with amazing fertility to all of the divine qualities of the universe, including love, grace, abundance, joy, creativity, and freedom. You are a unique expression of everything in existence, and you shine with the beauty of a million stars.

Our centering thought for today is:

I cherish the beauty in myself and others.

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." —Joseph Campbell


There is a beautiful saying in India’s ancient Vedic tradition: “If you want to recreate the world, look at it with fresh eyes.” Today have the intention to see one thing as if for the first time. Look without the camouflage of your memories. Sometimes the hardest thing is to truly see someone we have known for a long time, such as our partner, child, or friend. We assume we know who they are, and so we stop seeing. It is also important to look at yourself as though doing so for the first time. We may assume that we know ourselves, but as we are discovering, who we are is much more than our limited ego-mind can envision. Through the eyes of your true self, take a few moments to consider how truly magnificent you really are.

Welcome to Day 7

Miraculous Being

Congratulations on completing our first week together! In the past few days we have discovered and experienced the infinite love and possibility that is part of our essential nature. We have seen through the disguises of our ego or self-image, uncovering the radiant beauty and joy of our true, eternal self.

In today’s meditation we will delight in the gifts of spirit. On this special guided journey, we invite you to listen to the wisdom of your heart and let your experience unfold with ease and grace.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am love. I am eternal. I am spirit.

"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." —Anaïs Nin


As we prepare for today’s meditation, take a few slow, gentle breaths. Breath is the movement of spirit in its subtlest physical expression. As you breathe slowly and gently, the body relaxes, the mind finds its still point, and the stage is set for inspiration—the flowing in of spirit.

Welcome to Day 8

Miraculous Spirit

This week we will continue our journey of miraculous relationships by expanding our experience of love, equanimity, joy, compassion, and other divine qualities of spirit. Today our meditation will focus on choosing to be the presence of love.

Many people think of love as an emotion that comes and goes. In one moment we feel intense love and in the next we feel nothing at all. We may then become consumed by doubts about our relationships or we get caught up in an anxious search for love, striving to attract someone who will finally give us the love and approval we've longed for. As we’ve explored, love isn’t a capricious emotion but a state of being. It is an experience of unity with all creation. In every moment we can choose to be the presence of love and let that love guide all our words and actions. This choice will transform all of your relationships, including the one with yourself.

Our centering thought for today is:

I love and am loved unconditionally.


"Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives." —Louise L. Hay


An essential part of learning to love yourself is to focus on being fully present and accepting of your current experience. Today take time to become more conscious of what your emotions are and how they feel in your body. Just be with your feelings with the awareness that whatever you are feeling is okay exactly as it is. This supportive gesture is like hugging and holding yourself in a loving and nurturing embrace—a practice that helps you metabolize your present experiences, promotes healing of old emotional pain, cultivates trust in yourself, and strengthens your ability to give yourself compassion and kindness.

From Deepak Chopra:

Once you establish your core self as a goal, your path will unfold and you will evolve. This evolution is wobbly at first; everyone has at least some elements of ignorance and immaturity. But' 'thanks to free will, you can help guide your own evolution. The simple fact is that we all desire more and better things for ourselves. If those more and better things are good for our growth, then we are guiding our own positive and powerful evolution. In India they make a distinction between dharma and adharma. Dharma includes whatever naturally upholds life: happiness, truth, duty, virtue, wonder, worship, reverence, appreciation, nonviolence, love, self-respect. On the other hand, adharma consists of choices that do not support life naturally: anger, violence, fear, control, dogmatism, skepticism, unvirtuous acts, prejudice, addiction, intolerance, and unconsciousness in general.

For our purposes, dharma is the ultimate power. It easily supports you, a single individual. What is asked of you is that you honestly look at your everyday life and the choices you are making. Ask yourself how to increase the dharmic choices and decrease the adharmic ones.

Welcome to Day 9

Miraculous Illumination

Today our meditation focuses on the light within each of us. In many wisdom traditions, light represents spiritual awareness. It is a state of consciousness that illuminates darkness and allows us to see with the eyes of love and wisdom. As our awareness expands, what once seemed to be obstacles are now clearly opportunities. When we reach a state of pure awareness, we realize that there are no problems and therefore no need for solutions.

In our relationships, the expanding light of awareness allows us to share more love, compassion, laughter, and joy with everyone in our lives. As clarity dawns, we become light-hearted and stop taking ourselves so seriously. We let go of struggle and live in the flow of life.

Our centering thought for today is:

My loving truth shines for all to see.

"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being." —Hafiz


To cultivate the light of awareness, pay attention to the clues and evidence that miracles are unfolding in your life. Notice the unexpected opportunities that come your way, the flash of insight, a sudden feeling of peace or joy, a chance meeting, or a spontaneous creative experience. You may want to keep a list of daily miracles in your journal. Whatever we pay attention to expands in our experience, so as you focus your attention on miracles you will begin to notice more grace, happiness, and love flowing into every aspect of your life, including your relationships.

Welcome to Day 10

Miraculous Attraction

The secret of attraction is remarkably simple. It can be summarized in a single line from the Latin poet Ovid: “To be loved, be lovable.” A lovable person is natural and authentic, radiating the light of awareness and love that we explored in yesterday’s meditation. The second “secret” is one we have already discussed at length: You are already lovable. There is nothing you have to do make yourself more lovable or attractive other than to let go of any unloving thoughts that you have about yourself. That which you seek you already are.

In today’s meditation we will put our attention on the divine qualities that are closest to our heart and that we wish to attract in our relationships—including love, peace, trust, compassion, joy, passion, inspiration, thoughtfulness, and generosity.

Our centering thought for today is:I attract that which I am.

"You must be the change that you wish to see in the world." 
—Mahatma Gandh



The spiritual Law of Giving and Receiving teaches us that in order to attract or receive something in our lives, we need to give it freely and without expectation. If we want to experience more love, we need to be lavish in our own expression of love. To receive acceptance, we need to be open and accept others. Today choose one quality that you want to expand in your experience and find as many opportunities as you can to share that same quality with others.

Welcome to Day 11

Miraculous Appreciation

Today in our meditation we will experience one of the most luscious qualities of spirit: the fullness of gratitude.

When our attention is focused on the blessings in our lives, we feel connected to everything in the universe. We experience our wholeness and oneness with all creation. When our heart is filled with gratitude, we arrive fully in the present moment, letting go of our regrets about the past and concerns for the future. In this state of pure appreciation, we radiate the light of love to everyone we meet.

Our centering thought for today is:

I nurture my relationships with attention and appreciation.

"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving." —Khalil Gibran


Today make a list of five people who have had a profound impact on your life. Choose one person and write a thank-you letter expressing gratitude for all the gifts you’ve received from him or her. If possible, deliver your gratitude letter in person—or mail it. Often the people in our lives have no idea how much help, comfort, and inspiration they have given us, and this is a wonderful opportunity to share the love in our hearts.

Welcome to Day 12

Miraculous Dynamism

Today in our meditation we will explore our essential energetic nature. At the deepest level, we are all powerful energetic beings. We inherently possess the ability to shift the world around us with our presence and how we project ourselves. When we walk into a room, our energetic state of being is communicated before we say a word. If we’re coming from love, everyone feels it. And if we’re feeling resentful, edgy, sad or preoccupied, everyone can feel that, too. Silently, our energy speaks and our thoughts, feelings and intentions ripple out into the world.

Our capacity to affect others with our energy is both a gift and a responsibility. Ultimately, we have the power to choose how we show up and interact in this world. When we choose to come from compassion, peace, and unity, we become a powerful force for good and open the door to deep and rich relationships.

Our centering thought for today is:

I use my energy to heal and transform.

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another." —Albert Einstein


Today, pay attention to your energetic state. Take time to focus your awareness on how your state of being may be affecting other people. If you notice that you’re feeling prickly, irritable, or otherwise out of sorts, take a few moments to breathe deeply into your heart, sending yourself love and self-compassion. Acknowledge your distress without judging it, and notice how your energy shifts. Each time you pause, assess, reframe, and choose love, you are truly leading your life toward your destiny. You are opening to your infinite potential.

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13/08/2013 12:59

Welcome to Day 3

Welcome to Day 3

Miraculous Nature

Yesterday we began to explore the difference between our true self, which is the source of all our love and happiness, and our learned self or ego, which is the source of our fear and suffering. Although the ego has a difficult reputation, our intention isn’t to judge it or attempt to get rid of it because such efforts only intensify the drama of the ego and the struggle in our lives. Instead, we want to focus on embracing all aspects of our self, letting the healing that comes with self-acceptance work miracles in our lives.

Today we will begin to let go of self-judgment as we experience the wholeness and truth of our essential nature. We will open our hearts to ourselves and let ourselves feel the love that has been there all along.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am a wondrous miracle of life.

"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." —Thich Nhat Hanh


Begin today by putting your attention on your heart. Take time to connect with and feel how much your soul wants you to know that you are loved and appreciated. Look into your own eyes and see your timelessness. See everything—the joy, sadness, compassion, playfulness, and wisdom. You contain everything. You are whole. Each time you find yourself in front of a mirror today take a moment to witness yourself. As you look deeply into your own eyes, hold all aspects of yourself in loving awareness, silently repeat these words three times, “I see you, I accept you, I love you.” Carry this practice through your day and witness your heart gently open to yourself and others.

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13/08/2013 03:27

Welcome to Day 2

Welcome to Day 2

Miraculous You

Today we will consider the one thing that is required for any relationship to flourish:  knowing who we really are. While there is a natural tendency to find an identity in our roles in life, our personality, our work, our body, our culture, our stories of the past, and our dreams for the future, in reality, these are all temporary, external aspects of ourselves. Who we really are is eternal and unbounded. Our true self is pure love and pure spirit.

While our ego-mind may feel isolated and separate, our essential nature is whole and inextricably connected to the universe. Therefore, our journey towards miraculous relationships isn’t about searching for anything outside of ourselves. It’s about discovering the love that is already within us, and expressing it in all of our relationships.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am a radiant spiritual being.

We look forward to our time together in reflection and stillness.


Schedule several “soul breaks” for yourself today. Start these breaks by taking a deep breath. Feel your body and notice any tension you are holding. Take another deep breath and as you exhale, let it all go. Take a moment to reflect on the tone of your recent inner dialogue, the quality of your interactions with others, and the emotions you have been experiencing along the way. Just observe what is. This exercise can be done in one or two minutes and is one way to strengthen your alignment with your true self, or soul. Your true self is infinite love and always feels safe and connected. Taking “soul breaks” each day naturally shifts your awareness of your divine, radiant nature.

Just Listen! Your Body Is Speaking to You

The key to happiness starts with your body's signals. Simply ask yourself right now, "How do you feel?" What you do with the answers you receive may make all the difference when it comes to living a balanced and joy-filled life.

If I could pick one ally in the pursuit of happiness, I would pick the body, and that means everyone's body, not just the beautiful, young, fit ones. I know how millions of people feel about their bodies. America is getting to be an obese nation, reaching down into childhood. A bad body image is the chief source of shame and disappointment for many women in particular.

Yet at this moment your first and most reliable guide to happiness is your body. The body is designed to support the mind, and this mutual support creates the state known as happiness. When choosing a certain behavior, ask your body, "How do you feel about this?" If your body sends a signal of physical or emotional distress, watch out. If your body sends a signal of comfort and eagerness, proceed.

Together, mind and body form a whole. It is artificial to separate the two. You cannot have a single thought, sensation or feeling without the body. This includes the most inspired spiritual thoughts, feelings and sensations. All experience has a physical component.

Let's say that your body doesn't feel like your guide and friend. Why not? It's not because you have gained weight, fallen out of shape or grow older every day. It's lack of awareness. Awareness has tremendous power. It tunes into every cell. Awareness is the invisible, silent agent that lets your body know what your mind is thinking, and at the same time it sends feedback from the body so that the mind feels supported and understood.

Here are the signals, both yes and no, that your body is sending to you:

Yes to balance, no to imbalance.

Yes to moderation, no to excess.

Yes to regular rhythms in activity, no to erratic schedules.

Yes to deep rest at regular intervals, no to lack of sleep.

Yes to being in your comfort zone, no to constant stress.

These aren't esoteric messages. Every cell follows each signal perfectly; it has to in order to survive. So when you stop paying attention to these signals, you are working against the flow of nature, which is the flow of life.

When mind, body and spirit are in harmony, happiness is a natural state. The signs of disharmony, on the other hand, are not esoteric either: discomfort, pain, depression, anxiety and illness in general. Unhappiness is a form of feedback. It signals that disharmony has entered somewhere—either in mind, body or spirit. Awareness has become disconnected. Only when we look at the situation in this holistic way can we link health, wholeness and holiness, for all three share the same root word and all three share the same state of harmony or disharmony.

You may have heard the saying, "The issues are in the tissues." What this means is that psychological issues such as anger, depression, neurosis, hostility and free-floating anxiety are not simply psychological. They have a correlate in the brain, and through the central nervous system the brain makes every cell in your body aware that you have an issue.

The entire mind-body field quivers at the slightest touch of pain and pleasure. In other words, the mind-body field is aware. When you consciously pay attention to what your body is telling you, this awareness is tremendously increased. Awareness isn't the same as having a thought. A mother is aware of how her child feels without having to think "A is bothering him" or "B has gone wrong." Awareness is silent and intuitive. Simply by paying attention, it infiltrates every corner of the field.

The opposite is also true. When you withdraw awareness, disruptions occur. Feedback loops no longer operate as they should. The flow of energy and nourishment needed by every cell begins to diminish. By not paying attention to your body, you are putting it in the same predicament as a neglected child. How can a child be expected to develop normally if its parents pay no attention, ignore cries for help and remain indifferent to whether their child is happy or unhappy? The same question applies to your body, and it leads to the same answer.

Nourish Your Awareness Through Your Body 

Today you can make a huge step in reconnecting with your body by increasing your awareness. Let's take a common issue, which is diet and weight. We won't restrict the issue to overweight; you may be an extreme undereater or a nervous eater or have bad digestion—the range of possibilities is large. Or you may consider yourself a normal eater but think of food as the enemy, a potential source of problems in the future. Few of us are without such issues.

Let's use food as a focus for gaining more awareness.

The next time you reach for a "bad" food or feel tempted to overeat or have any kind of craving you feel is wrong, the first step is to stop focusing on the food. Focus instead on what your body is saying.

Ask, "How do I feel right this moment?" There are only two valid answers. Either you are hungry, which is natural, or you feel something you don't want to feel. Instead of distracting yourself, pause. See how you feel. Then go ahead and follow your impulse, whatever it was.

The second step, which you can take whenever you feel like it, is to write down the feeling in a notebook. Be as specific as possible, such as "I feel like I need to be comforted," or "I feel stressed," or "I am desperate to eat this." Don't just note that you are hungry; find an emotional word. As before, go ahead and follow your impulse.

The third step, which is a bit harder, is to pause after you have written down your feeling. Go inward and be with your uncomfortable feeling for a full minute. Then ask yourself, "Do I really need to eat?" or "Am I really hungry?" For millions of people, this simple question has proved nearly impossible to answer, because they have taken a natural impulse—hunger—and mixed all kinds of emotions into it. Now we are trying to untangle those emotions, pay attention to them and separate them from real hunger.

Once you get to Step 2, you have won most of the battle. The fourth step is to attend to your feelings of pain, discomfort, depression, anxiety—whatever they may be—on the right terms. Instead of self-medicating through food, you can follow the appropriate channels. This could mean therapy, but just as likely it means being emotionally open with yourself. Food has been part of a mask, a lie about who you really are and how you really feel. Once you start being aware of your body, the mask falls away and there is no need to lie. There is a need to heal, which is a very different thing.


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09/08/2013 19:48

First blog


Welcome to Day 1

Miraculous Journey

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Challenge, Miraculous Relationships! We are delighted and honored that you are joining us on this journey of the heart.

Miracles happen every day, and not just in remote villages or holy sites across the globe, but right here, in our own lives. If our minds are preoccupied or we’re too busy or rushed, we may not notice the miracles coming into our life, yet they are always there, like gifts waiting to be opened. Over the course of this meditation challenge, we will learn how to live each day connected to the peace of present-moment awareness. In this expanded state of awareness, we will be able to tune into the presence of miracles and see with the eyes of love.

Our centering thought for today is:

Today I am open to the presence of miracles.



Set one intention for your journey toward miraculous relationships. As if carefully cultivating a seed to sprout, take time each day to remember and connect with this special intention. Visualize it as a precious jewel resting in your heart. Gently shower it with love and light and, with your mind’s eye, watch it open and expand. As you travel through these next 21 days, give yourself permission to open your mind, and your heart, to all possibilities. Embrace the vision of your true self in supportive, meaningful relationships of all kinds.

What Oprah Knows for Sure About Miracles

My entire life is a miracle. And so is yours. That I know for sure.

No matter how you came to be—whether you were wanted or "an accident" (as I was labeled for many years)—your being here to read these words is awesome.

I say that not knowing the details of your life. What I do know is that every person carries her own story of hope and sorrow, victory and loss, redemption, joy, and light.

Everyone has had their share of life lessons. How well you learn from them is up to you.

When you choose to see the world as a classroom, you understand that all experiences are here to teach you something about yourself. And that your life's journey is about becoming more of who you are. Another miracle: We all get to share in the journey.

The hardest experiences are often the ones that teach us the most. I say this having just gotten off the phone with my lawyers discussing how to handle two pending lawsuits. The first question I asked them was, "What is this suit really about, and what am I supposed to learn from it?" Only when I can perceive what the real lesson is can I make the best decision—and grow from the experience.

After everything that's happened to me in nearly 57 years on this Earth, what I'm most proud of is that I remain open to evolving. I know that every physical encounter has a metaphysical meaning. And I'm open to seeing it all.

I want to keep doing better and being better at who I am until I fulfill the promise of the miracle that is this life.

"Your life's journey is about becoming more of who you are."



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